
getsix NewsDear Ladies and Gentlemen,

From the getsix® partners and employees we would like to thank once again, to those who attended, participated and supported us at our 7th getsix® Annual Golf Trophy. This year again we were blessed with excellent weather, along with friendly faces.

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

We have put together a nice selection of pictures in a few different categories to make your viewing pleasure more simple. All in all our event has been very well received from both our guests and friends, along with the Polish golf association golfers (PZ Golf).

To enable you to remember the day fondly, we have created a Flickr ‘collection’ of the photographs taken on the day. Please take a look, there are some great pictures!

Below to give you a quick flavour of our event, we have created ‘The Best of Collection’ – please click this link –

For the ‘Get Together’ album, please click this link –

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

The partners of getsix® would like to congratulate all our winners on the day, below is a selection of the photographs.

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

For the ‘Prize Presentation & Grill’ album, please click this link –

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

Every year we arrange a ‘Golf Academy’ for the people looking to this game of golf. We are pleased that 41 people wanted try and learn from the two Polish Professional Golf Association teachers that were organised.

For the ‘Golf Academy’ album, please click this link –

Look!! Some friendly faces…

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

For the ‘Tournament’ album, please click this link –

For the final ‘Classification’ and ‘Role of Honour’, please click here to view – CLICK!

7th getsix® Golf Trophy

Another golf event has come and gone, it is now time for getsix® to say a BIG thank you for allowing us to service you, along with your support and friendship over the last year. In the Autumn we will send out a ‘Save the Date’ communication and we hope to see you again next year, and hopefully see some new faces at our golf and social event. If you have not attended before, PLEASE come and experience, we know you will enjoy it, a friendly social coming together, played around the theme of golf and friendships.

Kind regards,
getsix® Partners

7th getsix® Golf Trophy